Katarzyna Filipowicz , Robert Syrek , Tomasz Tokarski

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The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of growth paths of basic macroeconomic variables (labor productivity and capital labor ratio) in the Solow growth model with three alternative assumptions about the trajectory of the number of workers. There are standard trajectory (the number of workers increasing exponentially), logistics trajectory (the number of workers is growing to the certain asymptote) and so-called Gaussian trajectory (the number of workers is similar to the density function of Gaussian distribution).
In the result, nonstandard growth paths of macroeconomic variables are defined by certain functions compose with hypergeometric function and Gauss error function (so called Gaussian special functions). Moreover, labor productivity and capital labor ratio for logistic trajectory is growing to asymptote, which is located higher than in the original Solow model. The labor productivity and capital labor ratio for Gaussian trajectory of the number of workers increase to infinity.


growth rate of the number of workers, equilibrium of Solow model, Gaussian special functions


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